1. Your participation in neighborhood decisions fosters a community spirit important to everyone who lives in the Claremont-Elmwood neighborhood.
2. As our CENA membership grows, it gives our neighborhood greater impact with City Council and strengthens our voice in solving neighborhood concerns.
3. CENA is a 501c3 non-profit corporation whose stated mission is to make our neighborhood a safe and desirable place to live. As a non-profit, CENA is qualified to receive donations and bequests, which are tax deductible, from the public at large.
4. CENA members can serve on the Board of Directors and help define policies. Members of the Board of Directors are elected at the annual general membership meeting, which is usually held in June. Board members attend 8 or 9 evening board meetings per year.
5. CENA annual membership dues are affordable for everyone. We accept donations of any dollar amount, but a minimum of $20 is requested.
6. CENA mails its members a newsletter to keep current on neighborhood and City issues.
7. CENA consults with our District 8 City Council member.
8. CENA members can include their e-mail address in our databank to receive important news about our neighborhood as it happens.
9. CENA members can request the Board of Directors to allow the use of CENA's name to promote their projects.
10. Anyone can use our website www.claremontelmwood.org to find local stores, post office, schools, library, houses of worship, links to newspapers, City of Berkeley police, fire, mayor, commissioners and city council members and to e-mail CENA with questions.
To join: Fill out the Membership Form and send a check made out to CENA and send to: CENA P.O. Box 5108, Berkeley CA 94705. Include your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address (optional). Or join online by CLICKING HERE.